100,000 Times The Way Of St. James Live On YouTube

Given to the fairly conservative theme of Camino man immediately brings YouTube portal in conjunction hip with the. Since comedian Hape Kerkeling in his bestselling I’m away”discovered the pilgrimage for Germany who move many young people from the most different reasons on the 1000th pilgrimage route in Spain. And exactly these young people set their experiences of the Pilgrim’s way in a digital form on YouTube. Is there the term way of St. James in the search mask of the Internet portal”, one wonders over several hundred results. As the most viewed route videos at you tube Germany is atop the list of one of the almost forty contributions by the Publishing House of Camino live, currently celebrating the 100,000 guests click.

Werner Jakob pond, founder of the Publishing House to do this: the theme route is interesting for many people who escape from their everyday life, and want to treat yourself to a short break every year. Those who are interested in the topic of Compostela in Spain, the YouTube Portal is very recommended. There is something shaky while the part, but for this very authentic contributions to the Pilgrim’s way.” So the visitor numbers for the way of St. James in Spain such as the need of the people rise to nature and inner peace. “And so it is said, you can go the way of the Pilgrim on the two: man finds himself and discovered God, or you seek God and discovered themselves” +++ important information for editors: copyright of this press release is the Publisher of Pilgrim’s way to live. The author allows the free use and exploitation of this press release in any form. Abbreviation for the publishing house Camino live is VJL +++

