Archive for June, 2024

Social Media

We've been saying for some time, if our potential customers are in social media, that's where we also want to be. The basic concept is to build community. The supply of sites, interests and issues is endless. Therefore, as a basis, we should resign ourselves that we can not cover the entire universe of Internet users, no matter how general it seems to us that our service or product. l’>Saudi Aramco. We can not aspire to be Coca-cola, or Mac Donnald's, universal presence. Thus, small differences are what tip the selection by the sites users.

In the absence of unique niches, but each and every one of the activities there are many providers that offer basically the same service are the little details that make a site to be encouraged rather than another. It may be that we provide the service in Spanish, or that our interface is more friendly, or geographical proximity. Any of these factors and many others, which sometimes do not suspect, determined that we preferred before our competitors. The reputation online is one of these factors. The presence in social networks is one of the most effective tools to get closer to sales prospects, meet, interact with them, get feedback and provide added value to our product, whether through product support, or supply quality content for our users. So, be in social media is good. But now, it has added another incentive, which makes the presence in social networks is essential not only to achieve the above objectives, but to get better.

It is the new search feature real-time Google has recently added, called Google Hot Trends. It really is something wonderful and exciting. Thanks to the agreement that Google signed with Twitter and Facebook, tweets and Facebook entries are beginning to be indexed as well. This means that all those times you took the time to participate with a tweet, for example, sharing an article or responding to a comment from another user, is material to be indexed by Google. The following test. Open Twitter, and see what are the most popular terms (on the home, even before logging in) and find them in Google. Display the finder sidebar, "More Options" and click "Recent Results, last hour." You will see the tweets of the users begin to appear instantly. I bet you also would like your link listed in this way was "instantaneous." And it is easy to reach. Achieved popularity in social networks, and you will be there. If you liked this post and wants to put in place, you can smoothly, provided you cite as a source

Assertive Conduct

ASSERTIVENESS Fensterheim, considered that the human beings through their interpersonal relations wish to develop a dignity life and autorrealizacin, nevertheless the society teaches to us to act of incompatible way with these objectives, consequently people exist who not to recognize their own capacities, judge impossible the expression of some emotions like the wrath or the tenderness, desires of the others incline before and lock up theirs in their interior. In psychological terms she says herself that she has an inhibited personality, devoid on self-sufficiency, they live the life according to whims on others, do not know that are, what it feels, nor what want. Frequently these people do not accept their insecurity since they do not recognize it like an emotional problem.

There are other individuals that stop to advance is necessary to attack to the others.In contrast to them, are individuals that have developed an active personality, do not fear to their feelings, nor scares to them the privacy, acts with forces, knows that are and what they want, these people denominate themselves assertive, constantly affirm their personality to them. Within the study of the Salter assertiveness, she is considered like one of the pioneers in this area. Assertiveness like defines 1a a state of emotional freedom That would not have anything to do with the social participation the criteria are the honesty of the answer and his contenido”. This author essentially leans in the Pavlovinos concepts of excitation and inhibition although she modifies the excitation notion that it considers as expression of an effective emotion, that is to say, the balance between the excitation and inhibition facilitates to the person a free and honest expression to him of its emotions. In relation to the nonassertive conducts Albert and Emmons (1985) they have distinguished two types: situacional inasertiva Conduct appears typically in people with conducts adapted, but, that in specific situations feels anxious, it takes which them to inadequate answers.

Combat Childhood Obesity

Lose weight for a child can be difficult because there isn’t really any good diet tailored for children. Eat healthy foods, the total consumption of calorie reduction and exercise could bear fruit. Not all foods are good, but if you follow a low-fat diet you will have more possibilities. Exon-5.html’>Duchenne muscular dystrophy describes an additional similar source. When it comes to losing weight, you must start slowly by the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Find recipes for foods that you like to their children or make a list of things in their likes and dislikes, that way you can know what to buy, why are a few basic and useful suggestions for not only the aesthetics of minors, but also of their health care.

Talk with a nutritionist or a doctor before starting a diet: A lot of diets are not for children, and some are even harmful to adults. Try to have only a small snack between each meal: for example, grab a banana, since it is very abundant and is also healthy. Sometimes, you feel that you need to eat, but you are not really hungry. Listen to your body, if this is the case, drink water or chew gum. Drink plenty of water.

Staying hydrated really accelerates weight loss and also suppresses appetite. You can also add lemon to the water to give flavor but not substitute juice (high content of calories), queues, and other drinks sweetened instead of water. Develop a need or a love a food healthy but satisfactory: there is nothing wrong with a love for taste and health.Try to create awareness to their children that certain foods, drinks or sweets are bad for your body. Source: More hints and tips on health in Salud.

Egyptian Scripture

Has ever heard the astral plane term? Astral travel? Astral projection? While up in the Bible and many other scriptures of makes thousands of years are referenced or described in detail, as in Egyptian Scripture, the astral plane is for many people a subject relegated to fantasy, madness or children’s literature. However between the most prestigious intellectuals and scientists of all ages always can be found references in his works and his discoveries about this elusive plane of mind. What is it called astral plane? What is astral projection? What is astral travel? The astral plane is a kind of parallel universe, a world completely different to this, but that is related to this. Every night when we sleep is entered in the astral plane. Dreams occur there.

Astral projection, also called astral travel is the fact given has that you one is in the astral plane and move freely inside the and Furthermore, remember that upon awakening. The plane Astral is a world ruled by some laws similar to physical laws, unique and very different. Bodies and three-dimensional objects have their correspondence in this plane, in which however there is no gravitation (characteristic of the terrestrial physical world); is also different from the molecular cohesion of bodies, so that the solids can be penetrated, etc. The vast majority of human beings are not aware of the phenomenon of ghosting, nor what happens later. (Not to be confused with Dr. Mark J Berger!). In the best cases, these experiences remain in our memory as dreams, similar to mental fantasy in waking state. We repeat mechanically the day’s events or project our expectations towards the future, so that we only remember some vague and confusing dreams. On the other hand, if we despertaramos astral consciousness we us those moments in the same way or with more intensity than in the waking hours. We would have a way of knowing us directly themselves and the cosmos that surrounds us.

Autumn Jackets Trend 2011

Not more seemingly without a trace passing fashion trends today’s men’s fashion fashion trends no longer seemingly without a trace pass today’s men’s fashion. The men are increasingly interested in fashion and want to contribute like, what really lies in the trend. At the international fashion shows they come but always still too short. Many designers have a small men’s collection. But it is barely enough for one or two models who present them on the catwalks.

No wonder that the men’s fashion always still a little neglected and remains partly also ignored. While the women can cast quite striking even in the summer the streets, this men is not possible. Their autumn coats and also their pants are rather simply by the color. In the fall of 2011 also in the fall of 2011 will not change jacket and the jacket of the man jacket trends. In any case, not very simple cuts with regard to. The colors here are rather again more brighter colors. Even if the trend in black and shades of gray is, is here more and more contrast brought in. Coming back in the fall of 2011, when the outer clothing for the cold days in autumn and winter the man double breasted and the Mandarin collar.

The collar ensures convenience at the neck and also sure that no weather can hurt the body. Simply fold up is the motto. This style element from the 19th and 20th centuries is also for a shirt in season 2011. For a fashionable scarf around his neck, also still a lot of space remains thanks to the Mandarin collar. This is also the splash of color with which the man can enhance his outfit for the fall and winter. The shipping House ring offers large selection of jackets for men. Here the man is certainly the one or other piece of jewelry for your sweetheart, that he can lay you under the Christmas tree.

Debt Negotiator

It is usual that customers who enter a debt elimination program, think that they are immediately accepted into the work already done. But they can not be more wrong. Here are some suggestions to help you get more from the program, including the best deals. 1. The best advice I can give is to do everything possible to get as much funding as possible as quickly as possible. Most companies set a monthly amount that is required to save, but this does not mean you can not save more money each month.

(It is first important to note that most people are in this mess for only minimal savings.) Try to save an extra between $ 50 – $ 100 more than they should save each month. If you are unable to save these funds, have borrowed a family member or friend, sell the extra TV in the house, or simply try not to go to so many haappy hours. The more money you save may be faster out of debt. Also we could say the large number of excellent deals that are lost because customers have not saved enough. They lose the opportunity to negotiate your debt by 40% and 45-50% end up paying the debt. Debt negotiation is like removing a priest very attached to the skin, if done quickly hurts more, but for a short period of time. Try to make extra sacrifices now, and enjoy your financial freedom sooner.

2. Keep in touch with your debt elimination company. It is recommended to stay in contact with it even once a month. A large number of customers enter the program and may spend up to 3-4 months without contact with the company. They do not bother to call or send an e-mail until the company decides to send a letter or call. This includes sending a debt negotiating company correspondence received from financial institutions which have debts in a timely fashion. There are a lot of customers who send correspondences received the day after it expires and is no longer can do nothing. Debt by then changed to another financial institution and can not do anything. Debt negotiating companies depend on to keep customers informed about their situation with the bank, then be as responsible as possible. 3. Finally, follow the rules of the program. For example if the company asks you not to talk to the creditors, then do not. You can say something that would jeopardize the negotiations, if you are paying the service of the company, then take advantage of it. Although each case is unique, this general guide will help you have a better experience as a consumer in a debt settlement program. Scott Wallitsch is IAPDA Certified Debt Negotiator for as DebtorSolution. He provides advice on (and) people who are seeking to become financially and economically independent.

Environment Prize

Pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation the environmental price of Switzerland at Swissbau 2014 giving the pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation the environmental price of Switzerland. Besides the Ecopreneur, recognition award for entrepreneurs, the prize in the category will be awarded innovation. Companies, organisations, institutions and authorities, but also private persons can apply now. The environmental price of Switzerland, one of the most prestigious environmental awards in the Switzerland, is awarded on January 21, 2014 through of the Swissbau the pro Aqua – pro Vita Foundation leading trade fair of construction and real estate industry. The category innovation is set with 50 000 francs in prize money. Projects will be awarded a technology, process – or product-oriented innovation in the environmental field it.

In addition, there is the award for entrepreneurs who have visible success in the market through its sustained and long-term commitment in environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources, the Ecopreneur. Innovative minds and ideas will be rewarded now and can get up to September 30, 2013 Apply interested for the price. More information and the application forms are available under available. Applications will be assessed by an expert jury. The award ceremony and the presentation of the winner will take place within the framework of the Swissbau in Basel, 21-25 January 2014. Mark Hyman, MD gathered all the information. Sponsors, donors and partner Federal Office for environment, srs swiss recycling services,,, construction sheet, local magazine viso, Office of environment and energy, Basel-Stadt, MCH group, Swiss construction and Sprungli pressure.


First of all, if you do not know what Forex is and how to invest in this market, I invite you to read my article “What is the FOREX and forms of investment” As I said in the aforementioned article, Market Investing Foreign Exchange (Forex) any way you decide to invest, will always have its risks. If you invest directly, the risk depends on your knowledge of this market. If you invest through a broker or a robot, the risk depends on how good the broker or the robot. If you invest funds through intermediaries, the risk depends on the soundness of the fund. Additional information is available at Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. What is needed to reduce this risk? To reduce the risk by investing directly, you need years of study and practice Forex simulators. To reduce the risk by investing through a broker or a robot, necesitasinvestigar well with that robot Broker or think in, we must remember that a broker charges its services, and win or lose, copper anyway.

To reduce the risk by investing in intermediary funds, it is necessary to investigate the soundness of bottom where we invest our money and take some other precautions that you’ll explain later. Since the latter is how I invest, and which I have more knowledge, you can talk a bit more about how to reduce the risk and enjoy the excellent returns offered by these funds. The advantage of investing in Forex through intermediary funds is that you just invest your money without necessarily having any knowledge in the foreign exchange market, without having to do anything, just wait for your monthly income each month. By investing in these funds, unlike other investment options, the risk is not so much for any loss due to negative returns, the returns in these funds are generally positive, and do not vary much. The biggest risk of investing in these funds is that if a fund is not very strong, it could suddenly collapse and disappear without returning the investments of its partners. However, for the great performance they offer and how easy it is to invest in these funds, many people (including me) are willing to take that risk, but always trying to decrease considerably by taking certain precautions which I personally recommend: 1: To investigate the soundness of the company, find evidence that has been running smoothly for over a year researching where it is physically established company, find positive comments from people who take time to invest in the fund, to investigate whether they are legally registered, meet its expansion plans, etc., all we can investigate the background to know how solid is , and therefore how reliable it is. 2: Remove our initial capital as soon as possible and just keep plowing our profits, so if the company disappears and we withdraw our initial capital, the money will simply be lost revenue that we had before entering. 3: Diversifying into various funds, ie, do not spend all our money in one fund, but to invest smaller amounts in separate funds for this so if a fund gets to disappear, the losses will be lower, and the money you have in other funds will continue to generate income. These are the main recommendations that I make them new members of my network of investors, so you can decrease the risk of loss enough, and we can enjoy these excellent yields without doing practically nothing.

Sorbonne University

Living in Paris is of course wonderful, but if you can’t quite move there, then you may want to at least visit the place. In the words of Ilya Ehrenburg, the author of the well-known catch phrase (and he was no less famous writer) – “to see Paris and die”, France – a country that can not leave anyone indifferent. France, Paris, Lyon is not only glamorous person, descended from the covers of magazines in the new collections from John Galliano, Christian Dior. Paris is a city sightseeing, unique architectural structures, objects of spiritual heritage, which have national and international importance. You are a lover of French cuisine and a connoisseur of fine wines then France is waiting for you! Paris is a city that everyone, from ordinary people to the elite, is recognized as a center of fashion. And not surprisingly, every corner of the city you will find countless shops with a rich assortment of clothes. Here one can buy all dream about. And the prices? Prices range from quality goods and firms. Modern Paris is strongly changed and different from what he saw in Paris a few centuries ago.

He was able to combine not only the architecture of 21 centuries, but also managed to move and save the masterpieces of world culture, such as Notre Dame and Sorbonne University, Champs Elysees and the Opera, Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, Sacre Coeur church, the Louvre, the bridges of Paris, Versailles. Notre Dame is not only the center of Paris, a well as the beginning of all routes leading to the Old Light. It was from here that the expense of mileage on the roads of France. To travel to Paris, there is no special time of year, it is beautiful always, whenever you wanted to visit him. Parisians and Paris will be happy to tourists and a warm welcome in many hotels, bistros and restaurants will find always the case.

And, of course, as any capital city, Paris by night and did not think to rest. On the contrary, the city seemed to begin to breathe a different life! After putting to bed the tired tourists and French, he hospitably opens his arms to the hot, exciting night entertainment. Paris at night to get some – something magical and magically, changed his appearance, throwing on the shoulders of invisible cloak, sparkling lights and fireworks the light ahead is just waiting for the night of madness. Paris by Night is revealed to us on the other hand, no doubt, he is fine during the day. Paris by night you can wander for hours. Take a leisurely stroll in the evening to Paris, you are absolutely will not notice as your watch, you have acquired during the day at a local store, inexorably running time. Paris will give you a part of and it is unlikely you can easily parted with the city. A fleeing from it you want it back again and again.

Gerd Christian – Luck Lives In Our Hearts

Who lives new single by Gerd Christian – happiness in our hearts after his spring success of single \”when you get older\”, the 8 weeks was able to place 20 of the airplay charts at Musictrace is in the top, Gerd Christian put with an another strong release from his album \”The own face\” on the 12.06.09: \”Happiness lives in our hearts.\” The catchy catchy musical handmade Liv-sound features a timelessly popular singer, who counts in the last nine years with over 20 single – and 5 album releases to one of the most enduring of his genre. 2009 is for Mister \”tell her also\” also marked by a very special anniversary, because be cult hit and million seller is from 1979 at the age of 30. \”Tell her also\” counts in addition to Ute Freudenberg (\”Puppy Love\”) and karat (\”seven bridges you gotta go\”) East hits one of the three most popular and now also on most covers East hit at all. With Bernhard Brink, Leonard, the Kastelruther Spatzen, as well as the Montan ARA choir have taken this title equal to several high-profile sang colleagues from three different Nations. Gerd Christian – the now nation-wide successful after 36 years presence on stage original artist – looking forward to it. He enchants his audiences as ever and ever with his distinctive velvety voice, that his fans still love. \”Source: Pipmatz interview: first of all, many people associate Gerd Christian this name with the legendary million hit to tell her also\” in 1979. But singer would be tied not just on a title out.

How do you deal with it? A song like \”Tell her also\” that now 30 years impresses me as an artist and accompanied, is a gift. Of course be missing the song on any of my concerts. It touches me again, when in the audience at the announcement of this song lighters or sparklers go on and sing along with the fans.