
History of port wine always a discovery! Justifiably, port wine is one of the history of Portugal. Many archaeological remains from the Roman period that have to do with the wine-making can be found in the area around Porto. Religious orders later contributed much to spread viticulture in the whole Douro Valley. In the 17th century, wines from Porto found”a first commercial distribution by increasing imports of England as a result of high taxation of the wines of Bordeaux by French politicians. Merchants from England in search of new wine supplier discovered the advantages of the Douro wines. Agencies were established as a result, 1703 an English Portuguese commercial agreement was finally signed. From this point on, you started with the up strengths of the Douro wines, a technique that should determine the character and soul of the port. First the wines from the Douro had nothing to do with the now famous port wine together.

The wines were dry and full-bodied, but also aromatic and with a high natural alcohol content. To to make more durable with the wine for the long voyage across the sea to England began to intensify the wine with brandy. You could find subsequently that the wine interrupting the natural fermentation lost some of its acidity, kept a part of the sweetness of the grape must was elegant and is duplicated the flavors the birth of port wine. The simple wine from the Douro is turned into vinho”do Porto. The famous Marquis de Pompal, who as a Minister in 1755 reorganized the Portuguese economy after the devastating earthquake of Lisbon, met finally a revolutionary decision: 1757 he ordered to restrict the areas under vines in the Douro Valley and mark the position of the best vineyards with granite blocks. With the aim of achieving highest quality in the exported wines he set precise rules for the cultivation of vines, wine prices, transport and obligatory wine tastings, with whose help he quality monitor, and the production quantity of export demand could adjust.

Portugal had set up already the first denomination of controlled origin almost two centuries before they began in France of famous wine regions, thus. “The founded in 1765 by Royal Decree Companiha geral da Agricultura dos Vinhos do Alto Douro” compliance supervised strictly. Nowhere in the world, a wine region possessed a such strict supervisory body. “Today, this task takes over the Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro Porto”. Curious and appetite get? Then test it equal to one of our ports and discover the Special!…


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