Schwerin Castle

Customer relationships meet the new Internet with its social networks in our new business world and the rapid rise of smartphones & co. have altered the manner how we buy and do business with each other, irreversible. A wealth of new moments of truth”originated here. Moments of truth are those in which the customer experienced what the promise of a company really good then make his decision: Yes or no, hop or top. And on the Web, he tells the world why this is so. The crucial question now is: How can provider the growing number of offline and online touch points, so the real and digital touch points with customers, matching design, to make money on this? How can it involve active customers and employees with their ideas and opinions, in order to achieve excellence? And how can they make their customers dedicated ambassadors, fans and EMP errors, to reach profitable new business and sustainable sales growth? A new gives comprehensive answers Concept called touch point management’, hereinafter referred to the German management of point of customer contact. Customer touch points occur everywhere where is a (potential) customer with a company and its employees, products, services and brands in contact. This can be done in the direct form (seller visit, display, website, complaint, etc.) or indirect way (opinion portal, press articles, Word of mouth, recommendations, etc.).

In particular the indirect touch points win in importance, because consumers trust them more. Basically positive and also negative events can happen at every touch point, strengthen a customer relationship, harm, or end abruptly. And it’s often little things that cause finally large scale disasters. So aim management in the touch point, to jointly develop such measures which provide an outstanding and inspiring at the same time experience the customers at every point of contact. How all this is concretely implemented in practice? There is an exclusive now Day seminar which will be held for the first time on May 30, 2013 in Schwerin Castle hase angle. Seminar Director is Anne M.

Schuller, leading expert in terms of touch point management and author of the best-selling touchpoints ‘. To further info, here goes: the seminar leader and author Anne M. Schuller is ten times book and bestselling author and management consultant. It is regarded as Europe’s leading expert for touch point management and loyalty marketing and is one of the most sought-after business speakers in the German-speaking world. She is a visiting lecturer at several universities. ranks among the important management thinkers. The elite of the economy among its clientele. More info: the book on the subject of Anne M. Schuller: touchpoints rubbing shoulders with the customer of today management strategies for our new business world with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Gunter Dabang Gabal, 3rd updated edition, 350 pp., 29,90 euros, 47.90 CHF ISBN: 978-3-86936-330-1 as a medium-sized book of the year and awarded the German coach book price 2012 the Audiobook titled Anne M.

