Posts Tagged ‘beauty & wellness’

Hair Transplantation

People with genetic hair loss can be helped by an own hair transplant suffering you will also see hair loss? If you despair due to hair loss and thinking about a hair transplant, you must be logically be thoroughly knowledgeable about hair transplant prices. Under the keyword cost hair transplant “one cannot quite find it using a price comparison, but the price excluding should you not enough information be.” First of all, a hair transplantation in Turkey is certainly cheaper than an own hair transplant in Germany in the majority of cases, but it is in this case in some way to the overall package, which must be worked out by specialists in the medical tourism. First e.g. the Organization of hair transplantation in Istanbul, the flight there and the hotel in Turkey, is it as entire range by a professional bondsman must, so you must not nonsensical chauffeured around the city on the Bosporus in Istanbul, hotel in Istanbul to the Hair clinic and to get back. Then you look for a German Agency and escort in Istanbul.

Also and especially on the quality of the advice you should be aware that not all hair loss is suitable to treat with a hair transplant. This is true not only for the hair transplantation in Turkey, but is absolutely yet in any other country so. Is basically any hair loss to treat? Hair loss diseases can not handle a variety a hair growth tonic and unfortunately the hair transplant in Istanbul can not guarantee also a professionally perfect success for all patients. A flight in the cosmopolitan city of Istanbul is worth at any time, whether summer or winter, if you want to; visit this metropolis with about 15 million people on two continents, which are separated by the Bosphorus Strait but whether the own hair transplant in this giant city or in an other city for you profitable, we will tell you absolutely honestly and clearly. It goes on in this case no way only to receding hairline or the helicopter landing pad”on the head of the male patients, but of course also of hair loss in women is an issue that you must never neglect. Hair loss due to illness, stress-induced hair loss or baldness with hormone-related backgrounds and vacuumed.

circular hair loss may be not challenged sadly through the FUE hair transplant. What can be told, is the problem solution of androgenetic alopecia (AGA), the most common form of hair loss, which affects over 90% of patients. Under this term the baldness is merged into, which leads up to the bald male individuals of the receding hairline and female people evidenced this hair loss mostly through hair loss the hair of the head. It revolves around a genetic hair loss, which is not to treat hair growth tonic or other chemical or pharmaceutical products. Hair transplant cost and planning! A hair transplant Turkey is due to lower Costs in Turkey how is absolutely much better than some in Germany, in Austria, the Switzerland or other countries of Western Europe. You can easily use this cost advantage, along with a professional care for the hair transplant in German language. John Waihenya

Perfume Tips

Learn the 7 best perfume tips which you can use. Fragrances are very popular gifts for a lady. But increasingly, men wearing perfume. The perfume industry has set now on every type of woman or man, as well as to different situations in which the scent is worn. The history of perfume dates back to a legend; A young princess named Nerola loved the scent of fresh orange blossoms. As she betupfte their stormy horses with orange flower water, Nerola noticed the horses calmed down. So knowledge about effects of herbal ingredients was probably processed, for example to a Hydrolate or an essential oil. Still today manufactured perfumes in this way.Lavishly produced Hydrolates find their way into the the manufacture of perfume bottles.

The 7 best perfume tips 1. Each perfume developed different scents for different people why it is not so easy to find its special fragrance.Therefore, you should always allow time for the Test mornings of perfume. 2. In any case, it is however important to ensure that each only a maximum of three different varieties are used, because the mixture of scents rather confusing and so no decision can be made. 3. Each perfume needs to develop its unique fragrance time why you should let pass a while before you can an odour sample, perfumes after spraying, 4 front topics on various body parts different effect.Therefore use the scent right where you ihnspater also want to wear. 5.

The smell of a perfume should be chosen never too intrusive. Rather, it should underline the personality of the wearer. Fragrances are very dependent on the type. So a rather Petite person will choose a subtle, slightly fruity aroma and a korpulentere more of a perfume with a spicier or flowery note. 6. Many women have several scents for different occasions. For example, customers in the professional use a subtle scent, where to go out in the evening, a more intense perfume prefer. Also a change of the fragrance to the changing of the seasons is very pleasant. So a spicy note is worn in the winter like fruity or flowery scents are used in the summer.Choose a summer and a winter Vaiante of your scent. 7 Perfume samples, as well as bottles with noble perfumes can be purchased online. The possibility is just for women – perfume order – a time-saving Angelegenheit.Also save time and enjoy the samples of fragrance creations at home. Despite the distance, a consultation is possible. Conveniently be customers at the perfume shop regularly informed about new perfume creations, as well as recommendations and promotions,. Eugen fol

Protein Diet

Can you really remove by taking to himself much protein? The protein diet was discovered in the 1960s by the Americans. At that time, astronauts ate very rich not to lose weight. The positive side effect of this diet was that they got fat. Is the question therefore whether diet actually can be removed protein of? So does the protein diet the principle is easy. Due to the low consumption of fats and carbohydrates, the body must rely on body fat and carbohydrates stored in the body.

After a certain period of time, the body can no longer rely on body’s carbohydrates and begins with the burning of fat. Through this process, the body wins the needed energy. Must burn the body several days or weeks body fat we take this off. What can you eat what non-target with this diet is to eat very high-protein food. Much protein is primarily in meat, milk, eggs and cheese. These products should take in sufficient mass to himself. Fatty products such as butter and carbohydrates containing products such as pasta should be avoided. In addition, one should take more supplements to, because the diet with the protein diet is very biased and can lead to problems.

Studies show that the diet works in the Diogenes study proved that actually can be removed with a protein-rich diet. After an 8 week diet subjects on average had lost 11 kg. After a further 4 months, 75% of the participants had kept her weight. That means diet actually can be removed with the protein. In a short time, some kilos lose benefits of protein can diet.This ensures that greatly increases their motivation and also some time continue the diet. With this diet you need not be hungry and want nearly as much food as they can, because protein-rich products satisfy much more than carbohydrate Food. The downside of this diet is the one-sided diet cons. While it may cause health problems such as kidney damage. Further, this diet very often leads to a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients. The additional intake of nutritional supplements is mandatory. Your body long term verdict by the high-protein diet burns more fat. As a result, you can lose some kilos quickly and easily. Unfortunately, the diet has the disadvantage that it is very biased and may cause deficiency symptoms or health problems. This diet is so carefully to enjoy and everyone should consider precisely in advance, whether he actually wants to perform.


A double chin gnaws at our self-confidence, however, must we not accept this, but can do something about it with few resources. Genetics may be responsible for the good and bad things and decide about our appearance. Including a double chin. Even thin people can suffer from a double chin and is thus not only a problem with overweight. The natural aging process is also not to stop. With age, our skin loses its elasticity, muscles become weaker and it forms a double chin with ease.

There are really simple methods, to prevent the emergence of a Chin or this collapse, if you already have one. With the following tools, you will can remove your double chin and again have a younger and fresher face: lie down comfortably with outstretched legs and laid next to your body, arms and hands. Raise the head so you can see your feet. Hold this position for 10 seconds and relax up for 10 seconds. 20-30 Times, repeat this procedure. Sit down with gradem back and bend your head backwards. Now pull the skin of the Chin to the Adam’s Apple down with your hands and hold this position for a few seconds. Now slide your lower jaw forward and firmly press the lips together.

Cons get this entire process some times. Lie down on your back and try several times to push your Chin to your chest. Place your palms under your chin and push the ball firmly against the Chin. Now press with his tongue firmly against your palate and repeat this several times. You will thus feel the muscles under your chin and thus strengthen. Open your mouth as far as possible and pull your lower lip to the inside of the lower teeth. Now move your jaw forward, as if to wanted to scoop some of the ground. Repeat the process 5 times per day. In the standing position, tilt your head backwards and tight pull down the skin of the Chin to the Adam’s Apple. Beating with slight pressure with the help of top Palm of your hand against your double chin. This trains jaw and Chin muscles. In addition, you can stretch out your tongue in or alternatively tilt the head backwards, wohrend you keep your mouth closed and put the tongue on the palate. Lie down on your back and lift your head as if you nod at the “Yes” tell. Then shake your head like the ‘no’-say. Turn back as far as possible and then your head to the right and left, to tighten the belts. Push your Chin down onto your chest and then raise the shoulders. Pay attention to your diet and try to lose some weight, if your double chin is the cause of obesity. Use the training unit, which has been specially developed for the double chin. You will find here information about the device. (c) Orbis aureus