Posts Tagged ‘drink & recipes’

The Origin Of The Christmas Goose

The butcher informed Mason from Nuremberg for the vast majority of the residents of Germany, one thing is certain: a true Christmas goose belongs to manage Christmas party. But why we actually eat the Christmas goose? About the origin of the traditional German Christmas supper, butchery & Delicatessen reported bricklayer from Nuremberg. The Christmas holidays are the most important Christian holidays at all in addition to Easter and Pentecost. Their ceremonial ascent on German soil is approximately 1300 years and overlaps with traditions that precede the dissemination of the Christian faith. Also the manner changed with the time change with the circumstances, in the celebrated Christmas again. So, the December 24 was in the Catholic culture of the middle ages as the last day of the pre-Christmas fasting period in which it was forbidden to eat meat. The custom to serve Christmas Eve fish, often the Christmas carp, dates from this time.

On 25 December, meat was allowed again be enjoyed, so for centuries the custom was, a roast pork, the Mette sow”, to eat as a Christmas feast. For the simple population this was prohibitively expensive. She ate the blood known as Mette sausage or sausage to the Christmas. The goose prevailing nowadays in Germany as Christmas dinner finds its origin in the Catholic Martin day on 11 November. The lent prescribed in advent, which lasted until the Christmas started at this time. How many customs of fasting, so also this fasting time was initiated by a large feast, whose climax did a Roast goose, the St. Martin’s goose.

The goose belonged to the pre-Christmas season already in the middle ages. The introduction of the goose as a Christmas feast dated much later. Like most traditions, so also this with a legend is connected, which began in the year 1588. During the Christmas season of this year Queen Elizabeth I should by the defeat of the Spanish Armada against the English fleet be been informed, while she took a Roast goose. In the victory of the world largest sea forces it, so the legend, saw a good omen and explained the Roast goose for Christmas dinner in their joy. Of England have eventually spread throughout Europe the traditional Christmas goose. The truth of this legend can be challenged after all the mentioned conflicts on England’s coasts took place already in July and August 1588. Anyway, the Christmas goose in England was spread, before it was replaced by the Turkey, today the typical holiday meal of in the UK,. The wide spread of the Christmas goose of the increase in prosperity is actually during the industrialization. “The increasingly affluent population appeared to be as the traditional roast pork, the Christmas goose an exciting and more appropriate Christmas meal which the Mette sow” largely disappeared from the Christmas scene. The traditionally prepared Christmas goose is Germany’s most popular Christmas dinner. Usually she will be seasoned with salt, pepper, Mugwort, and Marjoram and filled with apples, plums or onions, applied. The wide spread of the Christmas goose in Europe in the course of the centuries has resulted in the emergence of various regional recipes. In Alsace, it is prepared and served with sauerkraut, for example, with a filling of Bratwurstmasse. A number of variations so offers adventurous Christmas friends. Butcher & deli Masons available at interesting Christmas goose recipes for advice anytime and wish a Merry Christmas.

Diets: Weight Loss Without Starving To Have

Food to make do without hunger you are worries about her weight, until now but no luck with diets had? The secret behind successful take off and keep the new weight for life is not a starvation diet. With a good diet plan, consisting of from good, healthy and tasty food with a high nutritional value, you can take off permanently without having to starve. A few tips to the lose weight without having to starve: 1 consume complex carbohydrates: If you choose to want to be take off they tend to probably around food such as bread, potatoes, to cancel rice and pasta, the dining piece of paper. Instead they consist on a diet of steak and salad, cheese and fruit, salad and tomatoes or similar combinations of high protein animal foods and fruits or vegetables with a low calorie content. With such a diet you can rise faster than with a low-fat, carbohydrate-rich diet. Include foods with high starch content less fat and about a third of the calories is excreted undigested again. If you would like to know more about Joey King, then click here.

Foods with high starch content, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal. Brown rice or rye are very filling because they contain much fiber. 2. less protein consume: dietitians recommend approx. 0.8 g of protein per day per pound of body weight for adults. Source: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. The main problem with animal proteins beef, fish or poultry is the high fat content in these foods.

Vegetable protein carrier, however, contain mostly mainly complex carbohydrates and are not associated with any health risks in association. Vegetable proteins lack but some important amino acids, necessary for the production of new proteins for the body and cells. Two delicious meadows to to get the full protein chain to combine food and lose weight without starving to: combine dried legumes such as beans or peas or soy-based foods such as tofu or bean curd with Grains, nuts or seeds. for example, beans with rice or peanut butter with bread. Combine legumes, nuts or seeds with small amounts of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. Example: porridge with milk, pizza Macaroni and cheese, spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce, chicken soup with noodles or rice etc. This does not mean that you will never again be allowed to eat a roast chicken or that you need to completely update your diet from one day to another en. Start slowly and get around slowly. Without being hungry, removing thus becomes the lightness. 3. reduce their fat intake: A tablespoon of vegetable oils is everything the body needs to cover its daily requirement of essential fatty acids. Use vegetable oils such as olive oil or peanut oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as corn and soy. Polyunsaturated fatty acids like sunflower oil. 4. avoid sugar and salt: sugar comes seductively packaged in sweets and desserts, and it is easy to eat too much of it. No matter how much you like sweets too, it is possible to curb her desire after that. Accustomed to slow and consume fruit salad or unsweetened cereals with fruit for breakfast. Salt is another addictive food. A high consumption of salt is in direct association with high blood pressure, which in turn is associated with obesity in association. Experiment with herbs, spices, garlic. Add onion, pepper, vinegar, etc. With these tips should permanently lose weight without starving to be not too difficult. It is important to that you permanently change their diet and not again fall back into old unhealthy habits. Manfred schillings

Nutritional Value

Changes to the regulation of food characteristics and the growing demand of consumers increasingly …veranlassen… Alexa Demie usually is spot on. create more and more companies, the food, or process, to pay more attention to the topic of nutrition labelling.Also in the kitchen and catering companies is a growing awareness for carbohydrates, protein and fat. (Similarly see: Eva Andersson-Dubin). Nutritional with nut.s. software is now the appropriate software for it. But software alone is not enough there. It takes data that enable all these calculations at your fingertips, nutritional values, washer-disinfectors, GDAs making losses in the background, all of this is available in the background for the compliant use. Can then combine to an elegant recipe management, which arm automatically can spend also the often requested health claims (rich in vitamin C,) sodium, etc.

Menu plans, nutritionally optimized? No problem one show alternatives “-function lists similar foods with low nutritional value distributions.” nut.s the latest Software of date thinking tools. date thinking tools has focused on this topic and offers affordable software solutions for all aspects of nutritional calculation and marking. Industry, kitchens, nutrition consultation, find all the appropriate software. For the small companies, offering to store the calculation of the nutritional value to date, is particularly interesting. Since 1980, software created so far in this area. The Federal Department of health was also a customer, the Robert Koch Institute and the Max Rubner Institute. Will be provided for close cooperation with science and research. The knowledge for the practical feasibility and usability provide clients such as Unilever, Milupa, Kotanyi and of course the many kitchens and operations of community care. date thinking tools, Cornelius lane 4 A-1060 Vienna, Austria

Healthy Noodle Dish

The Luneburg noodle Office informed its customers when it comes to noodles and their benefits to human health, divide the spirits. Many nutrition experts advise against a food selection that has its focus on carbohydrates. But has also proven that noodles and co. in the right dosage are important for maintaining health and well-being. Arno Frohlich, owner of the Luneburg noodle Office, provides a few facts about the popular pasta.

Within the past 10 years, German noodle consumption has almost quadrupled. Meanwhile, he is almost 8 pounds per capita per year, which is still rather low compared to other European, if one considers the consumption of around 28 kilograms per person in Italy. The tendency is clear: noodles are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. Not wrong, because they not only excellent taste, but are also an important part of healthy eating. As pasta, noodles have only a minimal fat and relatively low in calories. However, they contain essential vitamins and minerals and are a significant source of energy. Teachers and scientists as well as construction workers and athletes need the energy from the carbohydrates contained in pasta to 70%, because it is immediately available to the organism and is released continuously. Must the body draw on energy reserves of fat, this takes four times as long.

Endurance athletes particularly appreciate noodles because they can increase their energy storage with their help. After extensive training sessions, often large amounts consumed noodles because the Fed carbohydrates increase the storage capacity of the muscles and greater energy reserves can be generated. Who don’t want to stop with the usual pasta range of supermarkets, visit one of the few retailers for pasta products to find everything, the pasta’s friends heart. For the space Luneburg is a point of such Luneburg noodle Kontor of Arno Frohlich.