Posts Tagged ‘health’

Interesting Ways To Cleanse The Body Of Worms

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than two thirds of people worldwide are infected by different kinds of parasites. And this is only official information. Unofficially proven that 95-99 percent the total number of people on Earth suffer from intestinal worms in one degree or another. Since these creatures live in human organs, blood plasma, body cavities and tissues. And according to available information treatment of parasites and worms is sufficiently capacious affair. Talk to any experienced doctor, you can open secret that much of the malaise was the consequence is we are living in these microscopic organisms alien to us.

Not forgetting the reasons, we note that in the first place wastes parasites are a major cause of cancers that are currently fully proven scientific research, namely worms may be the root cause of acne, seborrhea, early wrinkles on the face of chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, early baldness, papillomas, delamination and brittle nails, frequent acute respiratory infections, sore throats, polyps, snoring in his sleep. In addition, women’s disease, an inflammation of the ovaries, fibrocystic breast disease, violation of the terms of the menstrual cycle, fibroids, uterine fibroids, painful periods with bleeding, breakdown, inflammation of the adrenal disease of the bladder and kidneys, in addition, prostatitis and impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand and stones in the kidneys, the bladder in men are often the consequence of the above invasions. In addition to this – infection body poisons that create livelihoods for worms, can cause different psychiatric disorders. How can we make effective and painless treatment for tapeworm, roundworm, pinworm, Giardia and other parasites from the this category? One answer is to use the method of bio-resonance therapy, which is based on treating the body with electromagnetic waves. Antiparasitic biomedis device, is the apex development of bio-resonance therapy, since bears all the achievements of this branch of medical science today. If you want to understand the principle of using the device biomedis, you need to know that all living beings, from microbes and ending with man, rewarded with their own variations, for a certain kind of living creature has its own range of frequencies of electromagnetic waves, and if, for example, a person is ill, his frequencies are different. As you can guess the same way you can get information about the presence or absence of worms and parasites in your body.

The principle of antiparasitic effects of such a device simple as all genius. The first clarified its own electromagnetic oscillations man, then, depending on the applied program calculates the frequency of electromagnetic effects, whose main goal is to enhance the normal vibrations of the patient and the suppression of electromagnetic frequencies of worms and parasites. In this case, treatment of parasites is carried out at the molecular level, and it is much reduced ability poisoning secretions above parasites and weaken the impact of these toxins on humans. If you do not want to hurt and intend to finally live a healthy life, then one of the most efficient, enjoyable and non-drug methods, will be treated parasites and worms by the method of bio-resonance therapy, especially using the anti-parasite biomedis apparatus, which, without fixed costs, for a short time save you from uninvited guests, who lived in you all your life – it’s worms, asthma, diabetes, skin diseases, endocrine, allergic, and many other diseases. Do not forget that nature has in our body ability to get rid of the huge number of cases, you simply need to use these abilities and anti-parasitic device biomedis

The Jejunum

Trihrom recommended for use with PVA-fixed samples of feces. Patients with clinical manifestations of giardiasis, but with a negative result, studies of feces, it is advisable to investigate graduate of the duodenum or upper part of the jejunum. Typically, it contains a large number of Giardia, including trophozoites (they can be seen in fresh smears). Carl Jung takes a slightly different approach. The most reliable method for diagnosing giardiasis is duodenal biopsy. The indications for duodenal biopsy were: typical clinical picture of giardiasis, with negative scatological studies and one of the pathological symptoms: swelling and segmentation jejunum at endoscopy, pathological laktozotolerantny test, the absence of secretory Jgd, hypogammaglobulinemia, achlorhydria.

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent fermentosvyazyvayuschy analysis is used by many researchers for quick selection lamblia antigen in stool. For this purpose a rabbit antiserum against Giardia. Sensitivity of -92-98%. Serological methods currently available only at research level. Treatment of giardiasis.

Recognition of the legitimacy of the diagnosis of giardiasis "in all cases, the detection of Giardia in the feces or duodenal contents in both cases symptomatic and asymptomatic, defines a positive decision to hold a specific treatment. However, in all cases observed in the presence of Giardia intestinal disorders or dysfunctions liver, to detect a possible major and associated diseases should conduct a thorough clinical and laboratory examination of the patient. Tinidazool (, ametin, tinogin). The treatment course of 1-2 days. Pathways to treatment is the same as in the treatment of . Dose daily: adults 2000 mg (4 tablets of 0,5 g); children – 50 – 60 mg per 1 kg body weight.


In this case the goal, especially with respect to long-term goals – is likely not some static images of objects, but rather a vector – the direction in which mainstream management is vital functions, which includes, in addition to forecasting capabilities of the situation and choosing the best course of action, still images and specification of concrete goals as they clarify and application of effort to implement them. In this case, all builds to a sufficient degree of clear, flexible and predictable. If we still have so far managed to keep the logic consistency of the thought, then it's time proceed to the next important point, it is imperative for success. And so, secondly: the above mentioned the necessity of "making efforts to implement the goals." In essence this means that the success goals, if we take into account the predictable result, not an accident or happy coincidence, this depends on the quality of human nature as the will. (A valuable related resource: theoretical physicist). Will – this is the energy, strength and potential implement his plan. It is understood that any successful purposeful activity requires human capacity to a certain effort of will to decide to act, to act consistently achieve their actions logical conclusion. All of the above is a manifestation of the function of volitional qualities. Without the manifestation of the will, as we would not want another, the possibility of reaching any targets can be put under serious doubt. With respect to the will, we would like to highlight some great moments, such as: a manifestation of the will, thanks to a conscious desire to own meaningful purposes – it the ability to do what you want, and what might not want to do.

Losing Fat

As the world becomes more and more frenzied, people are looking for ways to lose belly fat in less and less time. One part of our body that we like to keep free of fat is the abdomen. As the world becomes more and more frenzied, people are looking for ways to lose belly fat in less and less time. If you would like to know more then you should visit Somatic Experiencing. One part of our body that we like to keep free of fat is the abdomen. It is true, we all want flat abs, and professional people, the less time they have to invest better.

The young professionals tend to look for solutions that are easier, shorter and agree with their lifestyle. Some professionals in the area of health and exercise routines are designed for the abdomen not longer than two minutes. The following is a basic routine of two minutes to develop the abdominals. It is easy enough for beginners, but if you are consistent you can be sure they develop marked always wanted. The first step is to run a variant of traditional abdominals. Lie on your back, then lift your knees toward the ceiling, with your feet pointing forward. Put your hands behind your head just for the support, and then slowly lift your shoulders off the floor. You have 20 repetitions.

Back to the original position, slowly extend your legs back, as much as you can and then returns to the original position. Repeat 20 times, then extend both arms and legs and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Then, keep your legs stretched out, put both hands to your sides without touching the duel. Move your arms up and down for 10 seconds, even without touching the ground. Finally, pull your legs toward your chest and hold that position for 10 seconds and you’re done this routine for two minutes to lose abdominal fat. Discover the most effective method to obtain a just


Pulmonary tuberculosis – an infectious disease characterized by the formation of a diseased tissue specific foci of inflammation and expression of the general reaction of the body. Pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT), mainly as human, bovine and rarely, in exceptional cases of avian type. The main source of infection – sick people or domestic animals, mainly cows. Infected with tb usually aerogenic by at inhalation of air emissions sick tiny droplets of sputum, which contains the mt. Risk of contracting tuberculosis Most Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmitted by airborne droplets. tb patients in coughing, sneezing, talking emit into the ambient air agent in the smallest droplets. By the same author: Peter A. Levine PhD. After drying droplets formed even smaller particles, consisting of 1-2 of microbial cells, these particles do not settle under the force severity and long in the air in a suspended state from which enter the lungs of healthy humans.

Factors that contribute to tb disease: adverse social and environmental conditions of life; malnutrition, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction – reduction in immunity, stress, presence of concomitant diseases (diabetes, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, diseases of the lungs). Infected with tb the easiest way to a sick man, who, talking, sneezing or coughing, spreads itself around a large number of sticks Koch. Less commonly, infection occurs by eating dairy products from patients tb animals. The main symptoms of tb symptoms are intermittent fever (usually in the evening), fatigue, lethargy, weakness, weight loss (5-7 kg), anorexia, cough, sometimes shortness of breath after physical exertion. In severe cases of the disease – hemoptysis (blood in the sputum).

Help And Dates After Birth

Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov from Gelsenkirchen informs the organized support at a time when many problems and questions are raised in the ends with the discharge from the maternity hospital for many mothers and babies. The Gelsenkirchen specialist in obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Sonnhild Zwetkow, informed about resources which are available to new parents, and important dates that note it’s called. Breastfeeding is widely rated the best care of the newborn. However, it is not always smoothly – and without complications.

In case of doubt quickly to get help, nursing mothers should contact already before birth through local outreach and focal points in knowledge. Nancy-Ann_DeParle often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Should the child be breastfed, are nursing groups are very useful. Concerned parents about problems and solutions in relation to breastfeeding is replaced in them. Expectant parents should make first contacts to them already before birth. Nursing mothers are entitled to the support from a midwife during lactation.

Certified breastfeeding and lactation consultants are available for further information and advice on breast-feeding at any time at the disposal. The domestic care belongs to the postnatal care of mother and child by a midwife in the follow-up. For a seamless transition of care between maternity hospital and home environment, she must be notified in a timely manner. Outpatient children’s nursing facilities are the parents of a newborn child as competent contact persons with advice and assistance for the page, if questions arise or problems occur. Mothers and newborns be released usually shortly after the birth of the inpatient care home. Of course, important examination dates must be perceived nevertheless just in time. In this context, the search test on disorders of metabolism, which is due on the 3rd day of life, as well as the screening examination for hearing impairment must be observed. The second is to schedule a checkup (U2) between the third and tenth day of life. Not already found in the Maternity hospital instead of a pediatrician is looking. Finally, it is to ensure the health of the mother. She should seek a gynaecological examination of the follow-up during the first six weeks after giving birth. Due to its long experience in the gynaecology and obstetrics knows Dr. Zwetkow the typical questions and problems arising from the birth of the child, and is always professional and understanding contact available. Press contact Dr.

The System

Like so many other people in these days, there am lost the love of my life. Luckyly, I have tried the System like recovering an incredible love lost that I have found " accidentalmente" during navigation in Internet. I did not have any hope in me, and my heart was broken in pieces. My pair no longer tapeworm interest in me and also humor to speak of any thing. It did not have nor idea of what doing? A broken heart is much more painful that an attack to the heart. The undergone by same me and how one feels.

Good, that is my past and my present is far better and gladder. Today I am a happy person and enjoying the life the love of my life. All the credit goes for the powerful System of how recovering a lost love. It allowed to understand my problems me and the problems of my ex- ones and it gave the forms me to obtain what there was lost (my love). But why the system on like recovering a lost love? I have found the Recovery system of a love as a guide of definitive reference to my problems. This was unique thing that helped me to recover love. It leaves before it at the mercy of the adviser of my friendly, useless relatives and advisers.

It did not help, rather were incidents that caused that the situation is still more critical. * The System of how to recover a lost love helped to understand the mental and emotional state me of my ex–even (now, of return with me) * I advise in detail about the things that tapeworm that to make and deberia not even think about doing. * Also it helped me to plan the maneuvers successfully to recover my love. Now, she is one of lime whenever both live happy and there are no great problems that consider to date.

Russian Federation

Frequently encountered unfair advertising for patients in binge or abstinence syndrome: "psychiatrist. Withdrawal from binge and coding. Doctor on call around the clock! "And other promises, including even the" coding "in intoxicated. This category of patients is most severe, almost all have associated diseases of internal organs, against the backdrop of a long binge is often a severe heart attack infarction, gastric bleeding, acute pancreatic necrosis, results in death within hours. And what will help you in this situation, who arrived with a string bag "? Modern medicine recommends the conclusion of a binge conditions of stationary medical centers. However, life dictates its own laws: all of the work or other important matters, so often have to call the doctor at home for the treatment of binge. Here we must clearly separate the urgent state when it is best to call a paid ambulance, and the planned treatment, which makes the psychiatrist. The task of the ambulance fee – to conduct a survey to identify possible complications in the cardiovascular system, gastro-intestinal tract and others to identify conditions requiring unconditional admission, medical assistance, aimed at normalizing the disturbed functions of the organism, the withdrawal of toxic products splitting of alcohol, the stabilization of the neuro-psychiatric status. ysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK//AABEIAMgAyAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwECBAUGAwj/xAA/EAABAwIEAwUGAggFBQAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRByJhcYETMpGhscHR8BQVI0JSgqLhU2JjcvEzNUNzsv/EABQBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCUkREBERAREQEREBEXO4pxja0cwBNVw07ujJ6Zjv6Sg’>Zachary Dell or emailing the administrator. It is important to remember that services the psychiatrist and the withdrawal of the binge can be provided only with the voluntary consent of the citizen (Article 32 of the Basic Legislation of the Russian Federation on Health Protection).

Hardening And Hot Water For Health

The closer cold, so unpleasant to think about hardening. It is much easier to convince yourself that the time lost, buy vitamins, wrapped in a warm blanket, sit next to the battery. And in vain: you have abandoned the very light and nice way to health. Because the main thing in tempering – fun. Step one: "Warm" The basic principle of tempering procedure: from simple to complex. Therefore, you can start with the easiest and enjoyable ways: hot rubdowns. Dampen a sponge, soft towel or glove with hot water, quickly wipe the whole body.

Hot water immediately evaporates, carrying away heat and cooling the skin. This is repeated several times. The higher the temperature of air and water, drier room, the intensive evaporation and cooling. Vessels, thus making the "charging": shrinking and expanding, adjustable heat, and as a result – an unexpected hypothermia triggered a protective reflex, prevents colds. However, precisely because of the ease and pleasantness of this procedure there is a risk it be carried away discreetly and supercooled. Therefore, the first few days wipe only the hands, and then you can move the whole body. Importantly – to avoid feeling chills. Once lost a sense of comfort – it is necessary to stop the procedure and rub the body dry with a towel.

Pay attention! Hot showers and hot rubdown – things are quite different. Standing under a hot shower, on the contrary, decreases muscle tone. It is therefore not recommended each day to wash with hot water – the facial skin quickly loses its elasticity.

Cyber-knife – A Tool Of Modern Radiotherapy

Cyber knife is one of the promising technologies of radiation therapy, which in future will probably play a dominant role in the treatment of cancer. Cyber-knife – a tool of modern radiotherapy solutions that provide training and radiotherapy. The widespread introduction of such methods for diagnosis of the extent of pathological process, as helical ct, mri, improved versions of ultrasound and pet, can more accurately define the boundaries of tumors (benign or malignant). Using a new generation of linear accelerators for X-ray and ionizing radiation and equipment, allowing to form the beam of radiation – collimators, as well as computer navigation systems – has created a fundamentally new types of remote radiation therapy: imrt (Intensity modulated radiotherapy) and igrt (image visualization or driven radiation therapy), as well as radiosurgery. Radiosurgery, or more precisely, stereotactic radiosurgery – a very accurate exposures foci lesion, a single summing up to the relatively small size of the tumor from hundreds of beams (high dose) of ionizing radiation, collected into a single powerful beam, which, after stereotaxy (its direction of advance calculated coordinates for the SX-dimensional coordinate system), focuses precisely on the tumor. Such effects of the radiation beam can be compared to the impact of a scalpel, the tumor is removed. It is because the method was called radiosurgery. The corresponding names are and apparatus by which such manipulations are carried out. Continue to learn more with: City College of New York. For example, the "Gamma Knife (GammKnife), which is considered the "gold standard" in treatment of head and neck tumors, and from which, in fact, began the history of this area.