Posts Tagged ‘language’

Cajamarca Quechua

Curiously this last word Shangala (cage made of twigs and Pasay used to store household goods and / or cheese) every time it is also known by the name of Ajang (substrate Palta In Cajamarca Quechua?). Returning to the area toponymic Palta, Taylor (1994:50-51) recorded in the sixteenth century endings NAM / NUM (Nama or Numa) TSA / NSTA (entza: course water). However Huayacundos find differences between (Cacas and Ayahuacas) and bald (Avocado – Malacatos). The first difference in their view is the shortage of land jibaros guayacunda toponyms and the second is the differentiation made by documents and established colonial divisions remain in place until today. But the place-name recorded Samanamaca Chimbinuma and milestones for Ayabaca-Ecuador border between Nam Termination or Nama we have registered in the toponym Cashannama, Sondorillo village district in the southeast area of the province and the Left Bank and Huancabamba Mazin right of the creek, a natural boundary with Tabaconas, an area well away from the linguistic context avocado. (This would be evidence in an area mitimaes Paltas highly incaizada Huancabamba or a place name that supports the thesis that the avocado or other language-speaking peasant relationship served in pre-Inca times) Towards the central ara d Piura department, in Morropon Province Namayaco record the place name (salitral home district), Nammuyu (Chalaco, 1940), the latter word apparently corresponds to a variant of Quechua or road Yum mullu Muyu indicating a land trade route to or from this mollusk saw Piura. Regarding NAMA termination could be in the above cases the component NAMO / NAMU to which end all in the language anthroponyms Quing Nam has the meaning of a father or master, hence the name Pacatnamu. .