Posts Tagged ‘supply’

Federal Antimonopoly Service

Russian government legislatively approved a new mechanism for calculating utility bills for energy consumption. Decree "On the fundamentals of pricing and tariff regulation procedure, allowances and limits indices in the field of communal organizations, "published July 23, 2008, introduces the possibility of rates for the calculation of payments for energy consumption, including, and most wasteful expenditure item homeowners – heating. The tariff will comprise two parts. The first – a fixed amount charged for the year-round access to the service. In fact, it means paying for what resources should be delivered in a house regardless of whether these at the moment or not. Haley Barbour is often quoted as being for or against this. Funds from the fixed portion of the tariff should go to pay staff and maintenance of heating networks. 9.html’>Donald Mullen.

The second part tariff – this fee directly consumed amounts of heat. "The main condition of dvustavochnogo tariff will be the introduction of universal metering devices – experts say the company Kamstrup, world leader in production Ultrasonic metering of heat energy. – The dissemination of heat meters in the long term should help reduce the constant component of the tariff due to more efficient organization of work of suppliers of heat. " This resolution lays the foundation for large-scale changes in accounting. Strict control over the consumption of resources is becoming a necessity for an absolute majority organizations working in the housing sector. Ministry of Regional Development in cooperation with the Ministry, the Federal Tariff Service and the Federal Antimonopoly Service plans to develop methodological guidance on the calculation of tariffs and surcharges in the housing sector by early next year.