Posts Tagged ‘today’

Social Cohesion And Project European

The specter of economic recession has stopped being a fiction in Europe. Fruit of this situation in the past few months have witnessed an intense social deterioration in the European Union (EU). To the demands of the companies affected by the contraction of markets or short lines of bank credit, workers and trade unions as a lesser evil, faced with the threat of a closure or relocation of the plant, accept wage cuts. In the meantime, public administrations receive a real avalanche of records of employment regulation. However, not everything can be explained nor of course has been unleashed by the formidable crisis which is shaking our economies. The basic parts of a partial but significant regression in the social model were already visible in the EU in the last decades before the emergence of the current crisis. They are very diverse factors that could give an account of this social drift.

The financing of the economies is not the least important of them European. First, diverting vast amounts of resources from the productive and social economy towards the casino, where, if the actors involved were willing to assume the risk required by the markets, you could get windfall profits. Secondly, rewarding executives and shareholders, not only strictly financial establishments, so that its decisions aim to increase the value of the company in terms of shareholdings. Thirdly, opening new spaces to the intervention of the markets, creating a field of play which is very uneven, favoring that costs and opportunities are distributed very unevenly. Fourthly, expanding a market segment substantially opaque, which remains outside the control of national States and, of course, of the Community authorities.

Visible hands of the market, the winners of the casino, bet by a capitalism with weak institutions that contribute to consolidate the field of play that more It is appropriate to your business. The financial anomaly is not a phenomenon alien, external to the community project, imported from the United States, but it is present in the European dynamic. For that reason, the analysis of financial disturbances enters the heart of the debate, much broader, the Europe that we want and the sustainable development strategies that should feed this project. That debate is not closed rather, closes, wrong or interest, false with the finding that the intervention of the State is so urgent as necessary. In other words, neither the European project, its social slope, are entitled or reinforced by the fact of attending a massive national States intervention aimed to prevent economic collapse. Rather the opposite. The minimum coordination of rescue plans, the privileged position of much of the target groups of public resources, the lack of control that is exercised on its use and its social cost shed serious doubts about the true nature of the revitalized presence of national States. In this context, it is not enough to appeal, before and now, more Europe, appeal that has all its meaning if it comes to the truly essential question: what Europe.

Homemade Creams

If we put into practice secrets and tips from our ancestors, we prove fairly easy to develop products such as soaps and homemade creams for cellulite from the comfort of our homes. Perhaps you believe that the idea that which is presented here seems very easy, but that when it comes to present certain disadvantages but you know what? In reality if it is fairly easy to carry it out. Currently there are many specialty stores for the sale of natural products and homemade creams for cellulite, if not, we can always resort to the businesses of life that we find in local markets. Get more background information with materials from Haley Barbour. To fight cellulite we can not only dip of products that must be ingested, as natural juices. We can also prepare our own anti cellulite products for external use such as creams and lotions and tonics, which can be used at the time of our bathroom and which have the advantage of not having any kind of chemical element in its composition. By way of example, we propose here a recipe for develop one of the homemade creams for cellulite. Glenn Dubin has much to offer in this field. The ingredients used are: 2 lots of oil in poison ivy, two of Fucus, two of comfrey oil, one of of St.

John’s wort, Calendula and a bit of beeswax, geranium essence, essence of Juniper and Sage essence. All oils and bee wax should be placed in a pot and bring to a boil to a simmer. Once boiling, must cool before add you the different essences in doses of 10 drops per type of essence. In this way is obtained a kind of cream that must be applied at least once a day. As it does not present any contraindication may be even applied twice if you wish. Please click here to see a practical and simple formula that will help you to melt and get rid of cellulite forever.

Working from Home

What the difficulties in finding a work from home? Which are the advantages that really have the ability to work from home? If you would like you can also find the chances of achieving this objective? It is a new it was and nothing is more advantageous to work from the comfort of home. The possibilities of savings not only in money but wear physical and mental are amazing. For those who are mothers have warranty take care of what really interests us are our children, our family, our years and our professional future. Does that prevents us from then work from home if the advantages are enormous and the internet offer us endless possibilities? The first and most important is the mistrust that brings with it working with a person that you don’t know personally, this difficulty is rooted in what we are a bit older and are still tied to the classic system of the hand grip and deal face to face. On the other hand this the dark side of the internet, I am referring to those who use the internet to do harm rather than to learn, get distracted or become millionaires. The more young people maybe are not so encrispados in the case of internet as a tool and future is more natural for them communicate in this way.

I think it all depends on yourself and the conscious which is what wants of life and its priorities on when time and gain. True internet is full of garbage but also everything you need to succeed, only you should choose carefully that is for you and not in reliance on what you are looking for. We face the next. Who you work for? If you work for example in a supermarket or a clinic or a corporate office? That feeling you experience when you leave your children at school and you go to your job all day and when the years pass not even you can approach your children because they have lost the personal contact with you, trust or simply the complicity that is created from your crib.