Travel Travel To Places Of Culture And Garden Art In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

More than green and stuff in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, it grows in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania it blooms and blooms on old walls. A new tour operator in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania called FunfSinn art offers tours to historic parks, gardens and landscape parks. Culture. Travel.” Exploring green havens and refuges of long forgotten stories of people and social contexts of a time period should be clear. The passenger should in small groups up to a maximum of 15 persons lift hidden treasures and discover the hidden qualities and values of natural and cultural monuments. In cultured society of kindred spirits, you can spend a trip with level at roundtables, concerts, art exhibitions and cultural events.

The range includes short travel arrangements, day trips and guided tours. On June 21, a day trip to the botanical gardens to Christiansburg mountain and the Kunstlerhaus Heinrichsruh leads. From July 17 to 20, there is a short trip to the artist garden Luttenort on Usedom with Watercolour Painting in the sanctuary of Otto Niemeyer Holsteins. Contact: FunfSinn Kunst.Kultur.

