4444 VIP Numbers By Blau.de

4. birthday of mobile Blau.de of new customers bought total 4444 VIP numbers discounter Blau.de Celebrates 4th anniversary and awards to new customers from 15. Until 20 September total 4444 VIP numbers. Such numbers are especially easy to remember because of their numbers and are assigned by the mobile providers normally only during special promotions such as sweepstakes or to special customers. Offers Blau.de of new customers as before 10,00 euro starting balance to the SIMcard for 9,90 euro purchase price. Due to a cooperation between the discounters and the information portal Prepaidy.de, can the same SIMcard also about blue / be ordered with this then includes 15,00 euro starting balance at the same price. Blau.de offers currently still a bonus of 30,00 euros credit for bringing a phone number. Who has no interest in one of the now available VIP numbers and prefer to keep their own mobile phone number, so 30,00 euro can obtain additional credit.

In total there are a prepaid SIMcard so at the price of 9.90 euros with up to 45,00 euro start balances. Note, however, that a number porting always with the old provider costs, because this will pay the release of the number in any case. Usually fall here fees of 25,00 EUR map, which but are offset by the additional credit of Blau.de. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE takes a slightly different approach. Blau.de offers a flat rate, in which calls to all German mobile phone and fixed line networks cost 9 cents per minute, and also SMS only 9 cents per SMS will be charged to all mobile networks. For data transfer, Blau.de requires 10 kb clocking 24 cents per megabyte, for one. The mobile phone network of E-Plus, is so far only selectively available fast HSDPA is used. Transmission via UMTS and EDGE, however, are already widespread. There are only a few days the 4444 Blau.de VIP numbers, the credit actions run usually one to two weeks, will be reissued at the end but mostly in slightly altered form.

