Study Trip To Edinburgh

A study trip worth every season. The Scottish capital is the Festival City No. 1 in Europe and has to offer culturally. Comparable with the Acropolis Edinburgh Castle dominates for centuries the capital of Scotland. Also the stone of Scone is kept there.

In the early Middle Ages, magical powers have been attributed to this stone. In the year 1296, he came to London as spoils of war. There, he was incorporated in the English Kronungsthron what many Scots as an affront felt. in 1950, Scottish students secretly back brought the stone to Scotland. He broke it, was repaired and later found by the police and brought back to Westminster. Until 1996, the stone, in a solemn ceremony, returning in Scotland of Scone. Read more here: Michael James Burke.

The particularly hot Festival time is summer, the high season for language courses in Edinburgh. From the 25.Juli up to the August 3 jazz and Blues in parks, bars and concert halls bring the city to the swing. The art festival from July 31 to August 31 offers lots of exhibitions and performances. Among the highlights this year two great Picasso exhibitions and a presentation of Andy Warhol. The Edinburgh military tattoo has nothing to do with body jewelry. Rather, fans from 01 to 23 August can see uniforms, parades and military music. Almost at the same time 03-August 25, the the fringe Festival offers a sensational contrast range to the tattoo. 1.7 million visitors admired has been music, cabaret, theatre and exhibitions last year. More than 18,000 artists gave more than 31,000 performances. The Festival of the festivals…Who more interested is at the Edinburgh International Festival from August 08-31 excellent lifted for classical music and Opera. The Book Festival from 09 to August 25th of course offers to meet his favorite author in addition to readings and workshops also the possibility under certain circumstances. The Festival of politics in the Scottish Parliament building has music, photo exhibitions, and politicians to the touch in the store. Who knows the Berlin Carnival of cultures and appreciates, will also have his joy Festival at the Edinburgh Mela on the last two days of August. Read the entire article at. Free and fast we will support you in finding after a perfect language. Text about Edinburgh: Stefan Hoch for curso EC curso EC, Lutz Kessner


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